Department Details
Below you will find details that our teachers felt would be helpful for parents and students to consider when preparing to register.
- Promotes post secondary and career opportunities in the growing Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources pathway.
- The economics requirement can be met through Ag. Econ.
- Students do NOT need to take Youth Leadership A to enroll in Youth Leadership B. Both Youth Leadership A and B courses can be repeated.
- Students should take both A and B of Senior Ag, if they want that course. Students must take Sr. Agriculture A & B to be enrolled in C or D.
- Concurrent enrollment classes are offered for college credit Look for the Ranger U symbol in the registration guide.
- Be sure to check which grade levels qualify for courses. Many have changed.
- Watch for name changes on courses.
- One credit of art is required – either performing or visual arts. Courses in this department satisfy the art requirement.
- Students must take Introduction to Art (formerly Design Basics) before taking more advanced art courses.
- Several courses have been renamed and are offered to different age levels. Have students double check course numbers so they do not repeat courses.
- Concurrent enrollment classes are offered for college credit Look for the Ranger U symbol in the registration guide
- Business offers a variety of practical classes for success in college, careers, and technology.
- The .5 Economics requirement can be met by taking Economics, Agricultural Economics, or Micro or Macro Economics.
- FACS offers a culinary arts certification program.
- Concurrent enrollment classes are offered for college credit Look for the Ranger U symbol in the registration guide.
- Several courses have been renamed and are offered to different age levels. Have students double check course numbers so they do not repeat courses.
- Encourage students to pay close attention to prerequisites. See the course descriptions in the registration guide.
- It is recommended that students take entry level courses during grades 9 and 10 to allow the opportunity for advanced courses later.
- Any student considering a career path in Engineering or Design should register for Intro to CAD and other courses to increase mechanical skills.
- Concurrent enrollment classes are offered for college credit Look for the Ranger U symbol in the registration guide.
- Students are required to take 4 credits of Language Arts to graduate.
- English 9, English 10 and English 11 are required classes
- AP Language and Composition can be substituted for English 11.
- Seniors for the 2020-2021 school year are able to meet their writing requirement, if not taken in their 11th grade year, through College Prep Comp, Writing Workshop, CIS Writing or AP Language and Comp.
- Seniors for the 2020-2021 school year are able to meet their literature requirement, if not taken in their 11th grade year, through Lit. of the Imagination, World Lit. or CIS Literature.
- Students have a speech/communications requirement: Speech, Argumentation, Communication Theory and Practice and CIS Advanced Public Speaking fulfill this requirement.
- Students have a 1/2 credit elective requirement for English. Choose from any of the literature, writing, speaking, communications, or theater classes. We encourage you to take a close look at the AP and CIS offerings as well.
- Three credits of math are required for graduation. Students first take Algebra 1A & B, then Geometry A & B, then Algebra II A & B. All juniors must be in a math course since they take the MCA Math test in April.
- It is highly recommended that students take some sort of math every year.
- Beginning 2015 the U of M is requiring math through senior year.
- AP courses are available.
- A CIS math class is available called CIS College Algebra Through Modeling A and B. It is open to grades 11 and 12. Students who qualify for the class will have finished Algebra II A and B, and be between the top 50-80% of their class.
- One credit of art is required – either performing or visual arts. Music courses meet the 1 credit of art requirement.
- Please note that Music Theory and AP Music Theory do NOT satisfy the art graduation requirement.
- AP courses are available.
- Students who wish to double participation in musical groups should contact their teachers.
- 1.5 credits are required for Phy Ed and Health.
- A wide range of health and fitness courses are available.
- Science requirements have changed recently.
- Ninth graders now take a full year of physics starting with the class of 2022. They should register for either Physics or AP Physics A, B, and C.
- Sophomore students (graduation class 2021) should register for either Chemistry, Physics, or AP versions of either. A full year is required.
- Students are required to take Earth and Space Science at some point between grades 10-12.
- All sophomores should take a science course, either Chemistry or Physics or Earth and Space Science
- Biology is taken during the junior or senior year, after a full year of either Chemistry or Physics.
- Students need 3.5 science credits to graduate.
- AP courses are available.
- 3 credits of social studies are required for graduation.
- World History, including AP World history can be taken in grade 10, but could be moved to grade 11. US History, including AP US History, is to be taken after completion of World History. Do not plan to take both US and World History in the same year.
- The following electives are open to grades 10-12: Sociology, International Relations, Political Science and Psychology. (Not AP).
- AP and CIS courses are available.
- The Immersion history courses are as listed:
- 7003 - US History in Spanish A (11 - 12th - after completion of World History)
- 7004 - US History in Spanish B (11 - 12th - after completion of World History)
- 7024 - World History in Spanish A (10 - 12)
- 7025 - World History in Spanish B (10 - 12)
- Whenever possible, special education services are offered in a general education setting.
- 4 year colleges and universities generally recommend at least 2-3 years of a world language. Check with college admissions counselors or see the World Language department members for more information . Colleges generally do not count a world language from grade 8, but high school credit is given. Some colleges require students to take a language in order to graduate from their institution.
- NCAA does not recognize language courses started in grade 8 and a minimum of 2 years is required to fill one of the elective areas.
- Chinese I, II, III, IV, and V are now being offered.
- A grade of C- or better is required to advance to the next level of any world language.
- Popular Literature has a section being taught in Spanish for grades 11 and 12.
- Spanish Immersion History is available.
- An AP Spanish literature course has been added.
- Concurrent College Enrollment courses are available for Spanish IV and V, and French V.