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Registration Overview

Registration for each year’s courses is a very important aspect of the high school experience. Plan the high school program with careful thought. Courses selection and student performance will play an important role in a student's future opportunities. Seek assistance from parents, teachers, deans, and principals when choosing courses.

Tips to Consider:

  • Team Approach - The best approach to a proper schedule is for students, with assistance from their parents and dean, to carefully select correct choices when they register.
  • Aim High - Select challenging courses in high school to prepare for future educational and career goals. Students who plan to attend college are encouraged to take Ranger U identified courses to earn college credit.
  • Be Selective - Choose elective courses that challenge learning, support interests, allow for exploration, and pursue vocational goals.
  • Ask Questions - If in doubt about anything, ASK.
  • Take Responsibility - Although deans, teachers, principals, and professionals in your field of interest can help with advice in choosing courses, THE FINAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR COURSE SELECTION RESTS ENTIRELY WITH STUDENTS AND THEIR PARENTS OR GUARDIANS. Registration is a big task. Take your time reading, learning, and planning for the best possible high school experience.
  • Alternates Matter - Every effort is made to give students the courses they desire. However, due to course enrollment and staffing availability, students may not receive every class they choose. Please be sure to make alternate course selections in order of preference.

Tools to Use:

  • Planning Worksheets - Use to review graduation requirements, scan available courses, and create a personalized course plan. 
  • Career Pathways Guide - Use to determine your intended career pathway. Although your choice will likely change many times during a high school and college experience, having a plan in place will be of great value in selecting courses . 
  • Course Catalog - Use to make course selections. Pay careful attention to course prerequisites for some classes.

Schedule changes are discouraged. Acceptable reasons for a change include:

  • Student is missing a prerequisite for a class on his/her schedule.
  • Student is lacking a class required for graduation, college admission, or completion of a graduation requirement.
  • Student is academically misplaced.

Students who meet the above criteria may make schedule changes before the term begins and within the first two days of a term. Any drops after fifteen school days into a term, will result in an "F" for the course dropped and subsequent placement will be coordinated by the student's dean.