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Academic Information

Academic Information

Academic Honors and Scholar Program

Honor Roll

Full time students of Forest Lake Area Schools may earn the distinction of being placed on the Honor Roll with the following grade point averages, during a single term, in regular education courses:

“A” Honor Roll – 3.7 – 4.0

“B” Honor Roll – 3.0 – 3.69


Students are expected to monitor their own progress toward fulfilling the graduation requirements.  Students will receive assistance from their advisory teacher and dean in tracking their progress.  Students must meet the graduation requirements set forth by the School Board.  Students and parents are encouraged to contact the dean for assistance.  Please see the registration guide for more detailed information.

Graduation Ceremony

Students attending Forest Lake Area Community School exclusively, and who meet graduation requirements, are encouraged to participate in the Forest Lake Area Schools Graduation Ceremony.  Participating in commencement is a privilege, not a right.  Students who do not meet the graduation requirements set forth by ISD # 831 School Board will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Any student who violates ISD #831 Secondary School Student Code of Conduct may have the graduation ceremony privilege revoked.

Canvas ParentVUE Program

Parents or guardians may gain access to Canvas ParentVUE to monitor their student’s school information, such as attendance, grades, and credits.  Parents may contact Colleen Connolly at or (651) 982-3175 to obtain ParentVUE login information.  Once registered, parents and students may view the student’s information at any time.

Schedule Changes

Students will be given their schedule prior to the start of the new term.  Schedule changes should be made as soon as possible, and may be facilitated by making an appointment with the dean.  Not all requests for schedule changes will be made.  Acceptable reasons for requesting a schedule change include:

After fifteen school days into a term, a student who drops a course will receive a final grade of “F” for that course.  Student requests for schedule changes must be approved by both parents and the dean.  If a student or parent does not accept the decision concerning a schedule change, they may appeal the decision to the principal.  The principal’s decision is final.

Student Transfers or Withdrawals

When a student withdraws from school or transfers to another school during the school year, a Withdrawal Form should be obtained from the office.  Having this form signed by all teachers is the student’s assurance that records can be forwarded to other schools or to prospective employers.  Final clearance is made in the office.  It is important that a student who is thinking of withdrawing from school talk to the dean to discuss consequences and alternatives to withdrawal.

Curriculum Content and Alternative Instruction

A parent, guardian or an adult student 18 years old or older may the content of the instructional materials to be provided a minor child or an adult student, and, if the parent, guardian, or adult student objects to the content, may make reasonable arrangements with school personnel for alternative instruction.  Alternative instruction may be provided by the parent, guardian, or adult student if the alternative instruction, if any, offered by the School Board does not meet the concerns of the parent, guardian, or adult student.  The School Board is not required to pay for the costs of alternative instruction provided by a parent, guardian or adult student.  School personnel may not impose an academic or other penalty upon a student merely for arranging alternative instruction.  School personnel may evaluate and assess the quality of a student’s work.

Alternative Education

Alternatives to the traditional high school setting of Forest Lake Community School exist.  Examples include Forest Lake Area High School, Guided Studies, Online Learning, Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO), and home school.  Students and parents may inquire about these options in the office.

Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

The PSEO program is open to eligible sophomores, juniors and seniors who wish to earn dual high school and college credit.   Students may participate on either a full time or part time basis.  It is the responsibility of the student to meet college admission requirements, registration deadlines, and also monitor and coordinate high school graduation requirements.  Interested students should schedule an appointment with the dean.

Report Cards

Report cards are accessed through ParentVUE.  Parents/Guardians or students may request a paper copy from the CS Office if needed.

  • Academic Scholar: student has completed 3 AP/CIS classes
  • High Academic Scholar: student has completed 4 AP/CIS Classes in 2 or more areas
  • Highest Academic Scholar:  student has completed 5 or more AP/CIS Classes in 3 or more areas
  1. Student is missing a prerequisite for a class on his or her schedule.
  2. Student is lacking a class required for graduation, college admission, or completion of a graduation standard.
  3. Student is academically misplaced.