Community School Attendance
The Board of Education, Administration and Faculty of FLACS believe that regular school attendance is vital to academic achievement and future life success. Minnesota State Law and Dept. of Education regulations require daily attendance. Students of Forest Lake Area Community School will be expected to be diligent and punctual in attendance and will be held accountable for absences and tardiness. We ask parents/guardians to follow the procedures listed below and do everything they can to see that their son/daughter attends school regularly. Parents/guardians are encouraged to contact the Dean of Students to discuss attendance concerns.
The parent/guardian is encouraged to call Angie in the Health Office (651) 982-3150 prior to, or the day of the absence. A message may be left on the voice mail system, and should include the name of the parent/guardian, the name and grade of the student, the date of the absence, and the reason for the absence. Absences not cleared by a parent or guardian, the absences will be considered an unexcused absence or truancy.
Forest Lake Area Schools, in cooperation with the three counties served by the district, utilizes the attendance guidelines of the county juvenile justice systems. Examples of unexcused absences include, but are not limited, to:
Unexcused absences are considered to be truancies by county officials. If your student has excessive unexcused absences with excessive truancies, he/she may be petitioned to the county under Minnesota Statute 120A.34. Leaving school without permission is considered to be truancy.
If absences are Unexcused or Truant:
* Students that have an unexcused or truant absence will receive no credit from their teachers for the activities performed on the day of the absence.
* Students with unexcused absences or truancies will be given appropriate consequences by the Dean or Principal. Consequences will be progressive with succeeding unexcused absences and truancies.
Situations arise in which a student will have to be excused from school. Examples of excused absences include, but are not limited to:
* The school reserves the right to require medical verification in cases where student absences are excessive.
** The amount of classroom instruction and work missed can be overwhelming and is critical for future success. While the school recognizes the value of family time and trips, we encourage parents & families to schedule trips to coincide with scheduled school vacations (see pre-arranged absences).
** Families are encouraged to notify the school in the event of a pending absence. It is the student’s responsibility to inform their teachers of the absence and make arrangements to make up their work in a timely manner.
Unique situations may occur that must be cleared by the Principal and/or Designee prior to the absence. Whether an absence is excused, unexcused, or truant shall be determined by the Principal and/or Principal Designee.
- alarm malfunctions
- driver’s test and/or training
- needed at home
- babysitting
- missed bus
- senior skip day
- personal (no reason given)
- overslept
- senior pictures
- shopping
- visiting
- work
- personal grooming
- leaving school without checking out with the Student Services or Health Office
- illness* (see note below)
- pre-arranged military visit
- suspensions
- family vacations** (see note below)
- family emergencies
- school directed activities
- one-day college visits
- extreme weather (that create unsafe conditions)
- bus transportation problems
- religious holidays (approved by the school board)
- counseling appointments
- doctor/dentist appointments
- court appearance
If a parent/guardian has phoned the office or attendance hotline, the student should report directly to class.
If a parent/guardian has written a note, the student should report to the Student Services Office to turn in the note and obtain an pass to class.
If a parent/guardian has NOT phoned the attendance hotline or sent a note, the student should report to class. The absence will be reported as unexcused.
An absence will be classified as PENDING for 3 days if a parent/guardian has not communicated an excuse. A pending status will convert to truant if the parent and/or student don’t clear the absence.
If a Forest Lake team is competing in the state tournament, students will be allowed to attend the game if they have filled out a pre-arranged absence form. Dismissal times will be such that students are allowed ample time to watch the game in which Forest Lake is participating.
If Forest Lake High School is not competing in a state tournament, students may attend if a pre-arranged absence form is completed and turned in to the Health Office prior to leaving.
School activities will be cleared by the teacher, advisor, or coach of the group.
Parents/guardians are asked to call the Health Office prior to the student’s late arrival at school or send a note with the student. A student arriving late to 1st hour should report to the Health Office for a pass.
Students who need to leave the school during the regular school day must obtain a Leave School Pass from the Health Office. The Leave School Pass will be issued with prior parental consent (note or phone call) or special permission of the Dean or Principal. Students are to check back into the Health Office when they return.
Any student who is outside the building at any time during the school day without a pass will be considered truant and will be subject to disciplinary action
Students are expected to be in the classroom by the time the bell rings to signal the start of class. Teachers will issue consequences for tardiness. Students will receive no credit or partial credit for the class activities performed before their arrival. Students who are frequently tardy will be referred to the Dean or Principal.