Health Services
Health Services
For District Health Services, please click here.
Angie Taylor, Nurse for the Community School – (651) 982-3150
Colleen Flaten, District Nurse (CS) – (651) 982-8343
Heather Johnson (HS) – (651) 982-8423
The Health Service Office is a first aid station for students who become ill or are injured during school hours. If a student is too ill to attend classes, or if he or she has sustained a serious injury, parents/guardians will be notified and requested to arrange for the student to be taken home. Only basic first aid procedures are administered at school. The school does not transport ill or injured students. An ambulance will be called only in extreme situations. Students are required to have a pass from their teacher to be in the health office and students are required to have the office personnel speak to a parent to be excused from school before leaving the building.
Medication Policy
The School District has adopted a policy that requires all medications taken by students while in school, must be supervised by someone in the health office. Students are not allowed to carry medications on their person during the school day.
Medication authorization forms are available in the health office. They are to be completed and signed by a physician and parent/guardian prior to medication being used in school. Students are not to self-administer any medications while in school.
Administering Medication
Neither the diagnosis nor the treatment of illnesses is within the responsibility of the School District. However, medication will be dispensed to student in school under the following conditions:
Emergency Cards
Emergency forms are necessary for every student. If a student becomes ill or injured during school hours and cannot remain in school, the emergency form is used to contact either the student’s parent or guardian or the alternate person listed on the form. Parents are asked to fill out a new emergency form at the beginning of each school year, and to inform the school of any changes in emergency numbers during the school year. Students must turn in updated and completed emergency forms in order to receive their class schedules in September, or on the first day of school.
State law in MN requires that all students enrolled in public schools be immunized against seven diseases: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, poliomyelitis, measles, mumps, and rubella. Students enrolled in high school are required to have received the following: (1) a second MMR by 7th grade; and (2) a tetanus diphtheria (Td) booster after age 11 or within the past five (5) years unless there is a Medical or Conscientious Exemption form on file in the health office.
- The administration of medication to students shall be done only in exceptional circumstances wherein the child’s health may be jeopardized without it.
- A student who requires medication in school shall be identified, by their parent and/or physician, to the school health office. Any student observed by school personnel self-administering unauthorized medications shall be reported to their parents.
- The medication administration form must be completed and returned to the health office prior to the dispensing of medication. The medication form includes statements from:
- The family physician, who shall indicate the necessity of said medication being given to the child during school hours.
- The parent/guardian, who shall request and authorize the designated school personnel to give said medication in dosage so prescribed by the physician and thereby releasing the school personnel from liability should reactions result from the medication.
- The pharmacist shall be requested by the parents to provide duplicate bottles of said medication if it is necessary that it be given during school hours. One bottle will be kept at home and the other at school under the care of school authorities. Both bottles shall contain the name and telephone number of the pharmacy, the student’s identification, name of physician, name of drug and dosage to be given. Taking the dosage shall be supervised by the school nurse or other designated school personnel at a time conforming to the physician’s indicated dosage schedule.
- The principal or school nurse shall maintain a list of pupils needing medication during school hours, including the type of medication, when given, and dosage. This list shall be kept current. It is the student’s responsibility to report to the health office at the appropriate time.
- Under no circumstances are school personnel to provide aspirin or any other medication to students.
- Students who are subject to a condition which may require occasional emergency medication (as in a case of sensitivity to bee stings) may receive such medication by complying with the provision of this policy regarding written authorization and the placement of medication with school authorities.