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Public Policies


Public Policies

For School Board Policies, please click here.

Animals on School Grounds

According to school board policy, and to ensure the safety of students and the community, no animals are allowed on school grounds without prior approval from the building principal or the Community Education Director.

Gender Non-Discrimination

Student Gender Non-Discrimination Statement

I. Purpose 

Students are protected from discrimination on the basis of sex pursuant to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Minnesota Human Rights Act.  The purpose of this policy is to provide equal educational opportunity for all students and to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex.

II. General Statement of Policy

III. Reporting Grievance Procedures

A. Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of unlawful sex discrimination by a teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel, or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may  constitute unlawful sex discrimination toward a student should report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate school district official designated by this policy or may file a grievance.  The school district encourages the reporting party or complainant to use the report forms available from the principal of each building or available from the school district office, but oral reports shall be considered complaints as well.  Nothing in the policy shall prevent any person from reporting unlawful sex discrimination toward a student directly to a school district Human Rights Officer or to the Superintendent.

B. In each school building, the building principal is the person responsible for receiving oral or written reports or grievances of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student at the building level.  Any adult school district personnel who receives a report of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student shall inform the building principal immediately.

C. Upon receipt of a grievance, the Principal must notify the school district Human Rights Officer immediately, without screening or investigating the report.  The principal may request, but may not insist upon a written complaint.  A written statement of the facts alleged will be forwarded as soon as practicable by the principal to the Human Rights Officer.  If the report was given verbally, the principal shall personally reduce it to written form within 24 hours and forward it to the Human Rights Officer.  Failure to forward any report or complaint of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student as provided herein will result in disciplinary action against the principal.  If the complaint involves the building principal, the complaint shall be made or filed directly with the Superintendent or the school district Human Rights Officer by the reporting party or complainant.

D. The School Board hereby designates the Director of Personnel and Administration and the Director of Educational Services as the school district Human Rights Officer(s) to receive reports, complaints, or grievances of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student.  If the complaint involves a human rights officer, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Superintendent.

E. The school district shall conspicuously post the name of the human rights officer(s), including mailing addresses and telephone numbers.

F. Submission of a good faith complaint, grievance, or report of unlawful sex discrimination toward a student will not affect the complainant or reporter’s future employment, grades or work assignments.

G. Use of formal reporting forms is not mandatory.

H. The school district will respect the privacy of the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and the witnesses as much as possible, consistent with the school district’s legal obligations to investigate, to take appropriate action, and to conform with any discovery or disclosure obligations.

IV. Investigation

A. By authority of the school district, the Human Rights Officer, upon receipt of a report, complaint or grievance alleging unlawful sex discrimination toward a student shall promptly undertake or by a third party designated by the school district.

B. The investigation may consist of personal interviews with the complainant, the individual(s) against whom the complaint is filed, and other who may have knowledge of the alleged incident(s) or circumstances giving rise to the complaint.  The investigation may also consist of any other methods and documents deemed pertinent by the investigator.

C. In determining whether alleged conduct constitutes a violation of this policy, the school district should consider the surrounding circumstances, the nature of the behavior, past incidents or past or continuing patterns of behavior, the relationships between the parties involved and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred.  Whether a particular action or incident constitutes a violation of this policy requires a determination based on all the facts and surrounding circumstances.

D. In addition, the school district may take immediate steps, at its discretion, to protect the complainant, pupils, teachers, administrators or other school personnel pending completion of an investigation of alleged unlawful sex discrimination toward a student.

E. The investigation will be completed as soon as practicable.  The school district Human Rights Officer shall make a written report to the Superintendent upon completion of the investigation.  If the complaint involves the Superintendent, the report may be filed directly with the School Board.  The report shall include a determination of whether the allegations have been substantiated as factual and whether they appear to be violations of this policy.

V. School District Action

A. Upon conclusion of the investigation and receipt of a report, the school district will take appropriate action.  Such action may include, but is not limited to, warning, suspension, exclusion, expulsion, transfer, remediation, termination, or discharge.  School district action taken for violation of this policy will be consistent with requirements of applicable collective bargaining agreements, Minnesota and federal law and school district policies.

B. The result of the school district’s investigation of each complaint filed under these procedures will be reported in writing to the complainant by the school district in accordance with state and federal law regarding data or records privacy.

 VI. Reprisal

The school district will discipline or take appropriate action against any pupil, teacher, administrator or other school personnel who retaliates against any person who reports alleged unlawful sex discrimination toward a student, or any person who testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation, or who testifies, assists or participates in a proceeding or hearing relating to such unlawful sex discrimination.  Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment.

VII. Right to Alternative Complaint Procedures

These procedures do not deny the right of any individual to pursue other avenues of recourse, which may include filing charges with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights, initiating civil action or seeking redress under state criminal statutes and/or federal law.

VII. Dissemination of Policy and Evaluation

A. This policy shall be made available to all students, staff members, employee unions and organizations.

B. The school district shall review this policy and the school district’s operation for compliance with state and federal laws prohibiting discrimination on a continuous basis.


Harassment and Violence Policy (Summary)

General Statement of Policy

It is the policy of Independent School District No. 831 (the “School District”) to maintain a learning and working environment that is free from harassment and violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability.

A violation of this policy occurs when any student, teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel harasses a student, teacher administrator, or other school district personnel through conduct or communication based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability, as defined in this policy.  (For purposes of this policy, school district personnel includes: school board members, school employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, or persons subject to the supervision and control of the District.)

A violation of this policy occurs when any student, teachers, administrator, or other school district personnel inflicts, threatens to inflict, or attempts to inflict violence upon any student, teacher, administrators, or other school district personnel based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability.

The School District will act to investigate all complaints, either formal or informal, verbal or written, of harassment or violence based on a person’s race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability, and to discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel who is found to have violated this policy.

Reporting Procedures

Any person who believes he or she has been the target or victim of harassment or violence on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, familial status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability by a student, teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel, or any person with knowledge or belief or conduct which may constitute harassment or violence prohibited by this policy toward a student, teacher, administrator, or other school district personnel or group of students, teachers, administrators, or other school district personnel should report the alleged acts immediately to an appropriate School District official designated by this policy.  A person may report conduct which may constitute harassment or violence anonymously.  However, the school district may not rely solely on an anonymous report to determine discipline or other remedial responses.

In Each School Building:  The building principal, the principal’s designee, or the building supervisor (hereinafter the “building report taker”) is the person responsible for receiving oral or written reports of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy at the building level.  Any adult School District personnel who receives a report of harassment or violence shall inform the building report taker immediately.  If the complaint involves the building report taker, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Superintendent or the School District human rights officer by the reporting party or complainant.  The building report taker shall ensure that this policy and its procedures, practices, consequences, and sanctions are fairly and fully implemented and shall serve as a primary contact on policy and procedural matters.

In the District:   The School Board hereby designates the Director of Administration and Human Resources and the Director of Special Education as the School District Human Rights Officers to receive reports or complaints of harassment or violence prohibited by this policy.  If the complaint involves a Human Rights Officer, the complaint shall be filed directly with the Superintendent.


By authority of the School District, the Human Rights Officers, within three (3) days of the receipt of a report or complaint alleging harassment or violence prohibited by this policy, shall undertake or authorize an investigation.  The investigation may be conducted by School District officials or by a third party designated by the School District.

The entire policy and reporting form can be found on our district’s website: by following these links:   About our District/School Board/Policies/View all School Board Policies/425 or 425 Attachment.


Internet Use

Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set forth policies and guidelines for access to the school district computer system and acceptable and safe use of the Internet, including electronic communications.

II. General Statement of Policy

In making decisions regarding student and employee access to the school district computer system and the Internet, including electronic communications, the school district considers its own stated educational mission, goals, and objectives.  Electronic information research skills are now fundamental to the preparation of citizens and future employees.  Access to the school district computer system and to the Internet enables students and employees to explore thousands of libraries, databases, bulletin boards, and other resources while exchanging messages with people around the world.  The school district expects that faculty will blend thoughtful use of the school district computer system and the Internet throughout the curriculum and will provide guidance and instruction to students in their use.

III. Limited Educational Purpose

The school district is providing students and employees with access to the school district computer system, which includes Internet access.  The purpose of the system is more specific than providing students and employees with general access to the Internet.  The school district system has a limited educational purpose, which includes use of the system for classroom activities, educational research, and professional or career development activities.  Users are expected to use Internet access through the district system to further educational and personal goals consistent with the mission of the school district and school policies.  Uses which might be acceptable on a user’s private personal account on another system may not be acceptable on this limited-purpose network.

IV. Use of System is a Privilege

While the School District’s electronic systems are provided for the conduct of the School District’s mission, it is understood that they may be used occasionally for personal use as well.  The personal use of both audio and video streaming, as well as the downloading of excessively large files for personal use interferes with the School District’s use of the Internet and delivery of electronic mail and is therefore not acceptable personal use of the Internet.

The use of the school district system and access to use of the Internet is a privilege, not a right.  Depending on the nature and degree of the violation and the number of previous violations, unacceptable use of the school district system or the Internet may result in one or more of the following consequences: suspension or cancellation of use or access privileges; payments for damages and repairs; discipline under other appropriate school district policies, including suspension, expulsion, exclusion or termination of employment; or civil or criminal liability under other applicable laws.

V. Unacceptable Uses

A. The following uses of the school district system and Internet resources or accounts are considered unacceptable:

1. Users will not use the school district system to access, review, upload, download, store, print, post, receive, transmit or distribute:

a. pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit material or other visual depictions that are harmful to minors;

b. language or images that are inappropriate in the education setting or disruptive to the educational process;

c. information or materials that could cause damage or danger of disruption to the educational process;

d. language or images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people (hate literature) or that may constitute harassment or discrimination, except as allowed in Policy 602 Controversial Issues.

2. Users shall not use District email as part of a political campaign to support or oppose the nomination or election of a candidate for public office except as otherwise agreed upon in School District employment agreement.

3. Users will not use the school district system to knowingly or recklessly post, transmit or distribute false or defamatory information about a person or organization, or to harass another person, or to engage in personal attacks, including prejudicial or discriminatory attacks.

4. Users will not use the school district system to engage in any illegal act or violate any local, state, or federal statute or law.

5. Users will not use the school district system to vandalize, damage, or disable the property of another person or organization, will not make deliberate attempts to degrade or disrupt equipment, software or system performance by spreading computer viruses or by any other means, will not tamper with, modify or change the school district software, hardware or wiring or take any action to violate the school district’s security system, and will not use the school district system in such a way as to disrupt the use of the system by other users.

6. Users will not use the school district system to gain unauthorized access to information resources or to access another person’s materials, information or files without the implied or direct permission of that person.

7. Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the school district system or any other system through the school district system, attempt to log in through another person’s account, or use computer accounts, access codes or network identification other than those assigned to the user.  Messages and records on the school district system may not be encrypted without the permission of appropriate school authorities.

8. Users will not use the school district system to violate copyright laws or usage licensing agreements, or otherwise to another person’s property without the person’s prior approval or proper citation, including the downloading or exchanging of pirated software or copying software to or from any school computer, and will not plagiarize works they find on the Internet.

9. Users will not use the school district system for conducting business, for unauthorized commercial purposes or for financial gain unrelated to the mission of the school district.

B. If a user inadvertently accesses unacceptable materials or an unacceptable Internet site, the user shall immediately disclose the inadvertent access to an appropriate school district official.  In the case of a school district employee, the immediate disclosure shall be to the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or the building administrator.  This disclosure may serve as a defense against an allegation that the user has intentionally violated this policy.  In certain rare instances, a user may also access otherwise unacceptable materials if necessary to complete an assignment and if done with the prior approval of and with appropriate guidance from the appropriate teacher or, in the case of a school district employee, the building administrator.

V. Filter

A. With respect to any of its computers with Internet access, school district personnel will monitor the online activities of minors and employ technology protection measures during any use of such computers by minors and adults.  The technology protection measures utilized will block or filter Internet access to any visual depictions that are:

1. Obscene;

2. Child pornography; or

3. Harmful to minors.

B. The term “harmful to minors” means any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:

1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals in a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion; or

2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way, with respect to what is suitable for minors an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and

3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.

VII. An administrator, supervisor, or other person authorized by the Superintendent may disable the technology protection measure, during use by an adult, to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purposes.

VIII. Consistency With Other School Policies

Use of the school district computer system and use of the Internet shall be consistent with school district policies and the mission of the school district.

IX. Limited Expectation of Privacy

A. By authorizing use of the school district system, the school district does not relinquish control over materials on the system or contained in files on the system.  Users should expect only limited privacy in the contents of personal files on the school district system.

B. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the school district system may lead to a discovery that a user had violated this policy, another school district policy, or the law.

C. An individual investigation or search will be conducted if school authorities have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school district policy.

D. Parents have the right to investigate or review the contents of files generated by their student.

E. School district employees should be aware that the school district retains the right at any time to investigate or review the contents of their files and email files.  In addition, school district employees should be aware that data and other materials in files maintained on the school district system may be subject to review, disclosure or discovery under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13 (the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act).

F. The school district will cooperate fully with local, state, and federal authorities in any investigation concerning or related to any illegal activities or activities not in compliance with school district policies conducted through the school district system.

X. Internet Use Agreement

A. The proper use of the Internet, and the educational value to be gained from proper Internet use, is the joint responsibility of students, parents and employees of the school district.

B. This policy requires the permission of and supervision by the school’s designated professional staff before a student may use a school account or resource to access the Internet.

XI. Limitation on School District Liability

Use of the school district system is at the user’s own risk.  The system is provided on an “as is, as available” basis.  The school district will not be responsible for any damage users may suffer, including but not limited to, loss, damage, or unavailability of data stored on school district diskettes, tapes, hard drives or servers, or for delays or changes in or interruptions of service or misdeliveries or nondeliveries of information or materials, regardless of the cause.  The school district is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of any advice or information obtained through or stored on the school district system.  The school district will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through unauthorized use of the school district system or the Internet.

XII. User Notification

A. All users shall be notified of the school district policies relating to Internet use.

B. This notification shall include the following:

1. Notification that Internet use is subject to compliance with school district policies.

2. Disclaimers limiting the school district’s liability relative to:

a. Information stored on school district diskettes, hard drives or servers;

b. Information retrieved through school district computers, networks, or online resources.

c. Personal property used to access school district computers, networks, or online resources.

d. Unauthorized financial obligations resulting from use of school district resources/accounts to access the Internet.

3. A description of the privacy rights and limitations of school sponsored/managed Internet accounts.

4. Notification that, even though the school district may use technical means to limit student Internet access, these limits do not provide a foolproof means for enforcing the provisions of this acceptable use policy.

5. Notification that goods and services can be purchased over the Internet that could potentially result in unwanted financial obligations and that any financial obligation incurred by a student through the Internet is the sole responsibility of the student and/or the student’s parents/guardians.

6. Notification that the collection, creation, reception, maintenance, and dissemination of data via the Internet, including electronic communications, is governed by Policy 406, Public and Private Personnel Data, and Policy 505, Use of Student Records.

7. Notification that, should the user violate the school district’s acceptable use policy, the user’s access privileges may be revoked, school disciplinary action may be taken, and/or appropriate legal action may be taken.

8. Notification that all provisions of the acceptable use policy are subordinate to local, state, and federal laws.

XIII. Implementation:  Policy Review

A. The school district may develop appropriate user notification forms, guidelines and procedures necessary to implement this policy.

B. The school district shall revise the user notifications, including student and parent notifications, if necessary, to reflect the adoption of these guidelines and procedures.

C. The school district Internet policies and procedures are available for review by all parents, guardians, staff and members of the community.

D. Because of the rapid changes in the development of the Internet, the school board shall conduct a periodic review of this policy.

Locker Searches

Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions and Student’s Person 514

The purpose of this policy is to provide for a safe and healthful educational environment by enforcing the school district’s policy against contraband.

II. General Statement of Policy

A. Lockers and Personal Possessions Within a Locker

Pursuant to Minnesota statutes, school lockers are the property of the school district.  At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for the convenience of students.  Inspection of the interior of lockers may be conducted by school officials for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.  The personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law of school rules.  As soon as practicable after a search of a student’s personal possessions, the school officials must provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials.

B. Desks

School desks are the property of the school district.  At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of desks provided for the convenience of students.  Inspection of the interior of desks may be conducted by school officials for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.

Pledge of Allegiance

The Pledge of Allegiance

The School Board recognizes the need to provide instruction in the proper etiquette, display, and respect of the United States flag.  The purpose of this policy is to provide for recitation of the pledge of allegiance and instruction in school to help further that end.

II. General Statement of Policy

Students in this school district shall recite the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America one or more times each week.  The recitation shall be conducted:

A. By each individual classroom teacher or the teacher’s surrogate; or

B. Over a school intercom system by a person designated by the school principal or other person having administrative control over the school.

III. Exceptions

Any student or teacher may decline to participate in recitation of the pledge of allegiance to the flag.  Employees or students, who choose not to participate, will sit or stand quietly and respectfully during the recitation.  Students must be respectful of the choice to not recite the pledge.

IV. Instruction

Students will be instructed in the proper etiquette toward, correct display of, and respect for the flag and in patriotic exercises.


School Visitors

Parents, citizens, alumni, and other adult visitors are welcome and encouraged to visit the Forest Lake Area Schools; however, the School District reserves the right to decline to give permission for or to withdraw permission for parents, citizens, alumni, and other members of the public to visit the schools of the District if such action is deemed necessary to ensure the physical or emotional safety of students and staff of the District or to prevent the disruption of the District’s educational programs.  These rules are in effect for all school activities, functions and meetings.

Visitors must, upon entering any school building, first come to the administrative office so that they may be directed to the teacher, student, or class they wish to see.  They will be shown every courtesy.

All visitors must wear a badge or other identification so that students and staff will be aware that they have registered in the office.  The School District will make every effort to see that classes are not interrupted while in session for the admission of guests.

For the protection of everyone in the building, teachers will courteously direct all visitors not wearing a visitor’s badge or identification to the administrative office.

Parents wishing to conference with a teacher should not expect to interrupt the teacher’s class but must telephone the school in order to arrange for such an appointment in advance.  In the event of an emergency requiring that parents have immediate access to their student, parents may either call or go to the office to:

The following types of conduct including but not limited to the following whether occurring in person or by means of email, telephone, or voice message are unacceptable and will not be tolerated:

In the event any such conduct occurs, the following steps may be taken:

In the event that the offender is prohibited from coming onto school property, arrangements will be made to conduct statutorily required meetings, such as IEP team meetings, at either another District facility or at a public meeting place.

In applying this policy, staff members must always be aware that there is an important distinction between declining to be treated in an unacceptable or disrespectful manner and, on the other hand, refusing to carry out a legitimate request for information or assistance.  The former is not a reason for the latter.  Timelines created by a statute or a District policy for making a response to an otherwise legitimate request must be observed even while the issue of unacceptable or disrespectful conduct is being addressed.


School Weapons Policy

1. A “weapon” means any object, device or instrument designed as a weapon or through its use capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or which may be used to inflict self-injury including, but not limited to, any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; airguns; pellet guns; BB guns; all knives; blades; clubs; metal knuckles; nunchucks; throwing stars; explosives; fireworks; mace and other propellants; stun guns; ammunition; poisons; chains; arrows; and objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon.

2. No person shall possess, use or distribute any object, device, or instrument having the appearance of a weapon and such objects, devices or instruments shall be treated as weapons including but not limited to weapons listed above which are broken or non-functional, look-alike guns; toy guns; or any object that is a facsimile of a real weapon. 

3. No person shall use articles designed for other purposes (i.e. lsers or laser pointers, belts, combs, pencils, files, scissors, etc) to inflict bodily harm and/or intimdate and such use will be treated as the possession and use of a weapon

B. “School Location” includes any school buildings or grounds, whether leased, rented, owned or controlled by the school, locations of school activities or trips, bus stops, school or school vehicles, school-contracted vehicles, the area of entrance or departure from school premises or events, all locations where school-related functions are conducted, and anywhere students are under the jurisdiction of the school district.

C. “Possession” means having a weapon on one’s person or in an area subject to one’s control in a school location.

IV. Exceptions

1. Licensed peace officers, military personnel, or students or nonstudents participating in military training, who are on duty performing official duties;

2. Persons authorized to carry a pistol under Minn. Stat., Section 624.714, while in a motor vehicle or outside of a motor vehicle for the purpose of directly placing a firearm in, or retrieving it from, the trunk or rear area of the vehicle;

3. Persons who keep or store in a motor vehicle pistols in accordance with Minn. Stat., Sections 624.714 or 624.715, or other firearms in accordance with Section 97B.045;

4. Possession of a dangerous weapon or replica firearms by a ceremonial color guard;

5. Possession of a dangerous weapon or replica firearms to be used for educational purposes with the written permission of the principal.

B. Policy Application to Instructional Equipment/Tools

C. Firearms in School Parking Lots and Parking Facilities

V. Consequences for Student Firearm Possession/Distribution

A. The school district takes a position of “Zero Tolerance” in regard to the possession, use, or distribution of firearms by students.  Consequently, the minimum consequence for student possession, using, or distributing firearms shall include:

1. Immediate out-of-school suspension;

2. Confiscation of the firearm;

3. Immediate notification of police;

4. Parent or guardian notification; and

5. Recommendation to the superintendent of dismissal for a period of time not to exceed one year.

B. Pursuant to Minnesota law, a student who brings a firearm, as defined by federal law, to school will be expelled for at least one year.  The superintendent may modify this requirement on a case-by-case basis.  The School Board shall be notified of any policy modifications made by the superintendent.

C. Administrative Discretion

VI. Consequences for Student Weapon (Non-Firearm) Possession/Use/Distribution

A. The school district takes a position of “Zero Tolerance” in regard to the possession, use or distribution or weapons (non-firearms) by students.  Consequently, the minimum consequence for students possessing, using, or distributing weapons (non-firearms) shall include:

1. Confiscation of the weapon (non-firearm);

2. Parent or guardian notification; and

3. Notification of police as appropriate;

4. Consideration of suspension from school for up to fifteen days with consideration for expulsion.

B. Administrative Discretion

VII. Consequences for Weapon Possession/Use/Distribution by Non-Students

A. Employees

1. An employee who violates the terms of this policy is subject to disciplinary action, including nonrenewal, suspension, or discharge as deemed appropriate by the school board.

2. Sanctions against employees, including nonrenewal, suspension, or discharge shall be pursuant to and in accordance with applicable statutory authority, collective bargaining agreements, and school district policies.

3. When an employee violates the weapons policy, law enforcement may be notified, as appropriate.

B. Other Nonstudents

1. Any member of the public who violates this policy shall be informed of the policy and asked to leave the school location.  Depending on the circumstances, the person may be barred from future entry to school locations.  In addition, if the person is a student in another school district, that school district may be contacted concerning the policy violation.

2. If appropriate, law enforcement will be notified of the policy violation by the member of the public and may be asked to provide an escort to remove the member of the public from the school location.

    1. The school district provides equal educational opportunity for all students, and does not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of sex.  No student will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity operated by the school district on the basis of sex.
    2. It is the responsibility of every school district employee to comply with this policy.
    3. Any student, parent, or guardian having questions regarding this policy should discuss it with the appropriate school district official provided by this policy.  In the absence of a specific designee, an inquiry or complaint should be referred to the Superintendent of the school district Human Rights Officer.
  1. Purpose
  2. Purpose
  3. Purpose
  4. Explain the circumstances of the emergency; and
  5. Request that their student be called to the office to meet with them and/or talk with them on the telephone, if doing so does not disrupt the educational program.
  6. Inappropriately raised voices, shouting or yelling toward a staff member;
  7. Obscene or foul language, whether directed at a staff member or another person;
  8. Insulting a staff member’s intelligence, judgment, or professionalism;
  9. Threats, intimations, or suggestions of violence or other behavior which reasonably can be expected to intimidate a staff member;
  10. Unpermitted and unwelcome touching of any nature, regardless of the degree of force used.
  11. The offender will be informed that the conduct violates District policy and a copy of this policy will be given to the offender.
  12. The offender will be told that if the behavior continues the discussion will be terminated and the police will be called if necessary.
  13. The offending person will be told that a memorandum of the incident will be prepared and maintained in the District’s files.
  14. The incident will promptly be reported to the building administration and to the Superintendent.
  15. The building principal will write a letter to the offending person summarizing the incident and imposing any additional restrictions upon visits which are appropriate as a result.
  16. In appropriate cases, the administrator or principal will advise the offending person(s) that he/she/they are prohibited from entering upon the school property for a period of six months following the notice and that violation of the directive will result in a report to the police pursuant to state statute and the offender may be issued a trespass notice.
  17. Purpose 
    The purpose of this policy is to assure a safe school environment for students, staff, and the public.
  18. General Statement of Policy
    No student or nonstudent, including adults and visitors, shall possess, use, or distribute a weapon when in a school location except as provided in this policy.  The school district will act to enforce this policy and to discipline or take appropriate action against any student, teacher, administrator, school employee, volunteer, or member or the public who violates this policy.
  19. Definitions 
    1. “Weapon”
    1. It shall not be a violation of this policy if a nonstudent falls within one of the following categories:
      1. Section 624.714 specifies procedures and standards for obtaining pistol permits and penalties for the failure to do so.  Section 624.715 defines an exception to the pistol permit requirements for “antique firearms which are carried or possessed as curiosities or for their historical significance or value.”
      2. Section 97B.045 generally provides that a firearm may not be transported in a motor vehicle unless it is (1) unloaded and in a gun case without any portion of the firearm exposed; (2) unloaded and in the closed trunk; or (3) a handgun carried in compliance with Sections 624.714 and 624.715.
  20. While the school district takes a firm “Zero Tolerance” position on the possession, use or distribution of weapons by students, and a similar position with regard to nonstudents, such a position is not meant to interfere with instruction or the use of appropriate equipment and tools by students or nonstudents.  Such equipment and tools, when properly possessed, used and stored, shall not be considered in violation of the rule against the possession, use or distribution of weapons.  However, when authorized instructional and work equipment and tools are used in a potentially dangerous or threatening manner, such possession and use will be treated as the possession of a weapon.
  21. A school district may not prohibit the lawful carry or possession of firearms in a school parking lot or parking facility.  For purposes of this policy, the “lawful” carry or possession of a firearm in a school parking facility is specifically limited to nonstudent permit-holders authorized under Minn. Stat., Section 624.714, to carry a pistol in the interior of a vehicle or outside the motor vehicle for the purpose of directly placing a firearm in, or retrieving it from, the trunk or rear area of the vehicle.  Any possession or carry of a firearm beyond the immediate vicinity of a permit-holder’s vehicle shall constitute a violation of this policy.
  22. While the school district takes a “Zero Tolerance” position on the possession, use or distribution of firearms by students, the superintendent may use discretion in determining whether, under the circumstances, a course of action other than the minimum consequences specified above is warranted.  If so, other appropriate action may be taken, including consideration of a recommendation for lesser discipline.

  23. While the school district takes a “Zero Tolerance” position on the possession, use, or distribution of weapons (non-firearms) by students, the superintendent (or designee) may use discretion in determining whether an investigation for the purpose or pursuing an expulsion from school is warranted.  Other appropriate action may be taken, including consideration of a recommendation for lesser discipline.