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Office Staff

Kelly Tschudy-Lafean, Principal – (651) 982-3171

Amy Gibson, Dean of Students – (651) 982-3188

Matt Clay, Psychologist – (651) 982-8408

Colleen Connolly, Administrative Assistant – (651) 982-3175

Angie Taylor, Health Office/Attendance- (651) 982-3150

The Forest Lake Area Community School provides a variety of services for students.  The office fills both administrative and guidance functions for students, parents, alumni and staff.  Information and assistance relating to discipline, guidance, counseling, grading, and other areas are provided by our office staff.

The staff of the Community School  practices a personalized approach to serving the school population.  Goals for the office staff include:

High School Handbook

Food Services (651) 982-8340

Police Liaison Officer

Tom Coulter (651) 982-8706

In cooperation with the Forest Lake Police Department, a police liaison officer is assigned to the Community School.  In addition to working closely with administrators and faculty, the police liaison officer is involved in classroom presentations about various aspects of law enforcement, and is available to conduct investigations.

Identification Cards

Identification cards will be issued to all students shortly after the beginning of the school year.  ID cards should be carried at all times during school and school activities.  Students will need to produce their ID card:

Students are responsible for maintaining their student ID card throughout the school year.

School Closing and Delayed Starts

When school will be closed or delayed because of inclement weather, parents will receive a phone call home through our Connect Ed system.  Additionally, an announcement will be made on WCCO-830 AM radio, KSTP Channel 5 local news, and on all district websites.

Special Education

To Visit the District's Special Education website for more information, please click here. 

Forest Lake Area Schools is committed to fulfilling the obligations of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.  The fundamental principles behind these federal laws are that students with disabilities are provided a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.  This means that the district has systems in place to identify, evaluate, and provide educational services to students with disabilities in a manner that is as similar to their non-disabled peers as deemed appropriate. 

Parents and students have a right to request an evaluation if they suspect their student has a disability that affects their educational progress.  The district employs licensed special education teachers, therapists, and psychologists to conduct the evaluations.  Parents and students have a right to be part of the educational team that determines the methods of evaluation, the interpretation of the evaluation results, and the development of the Individual Education Program (IEP) or 504 Plan, should one be required.  Parents and students who have questions regarding the process can contact the Educational Services Administrator at (651) 982-3011 or the Director of Special Education at (651) 982-8129.

  • Utilizing a holistic approach with students in all areas: academics, behavioral, social, personal, and career;
  • Maintaining a high level of communication between staff, students, parents, and other appropriate out-of-school personnel;
  • Providing fair and consistent responses and assistance in a timely manner.
  • All students must report to the cafeteria during their designated lunch period, and should be in the cafeteria before the bell rings.  Students will be permitted to leave the cafeteria with permission from school staff.
  • Students are required to eat lunch in the school cafeteria, whether they purchase a school lunch or bring a bag lunch from home.  
  • Breakfast items, including milk and juice, are sold during the scheduled breakfast period.
  • Every student will be given a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to be used during the school year.  Students wishing to purchase lunch or other food items need to deposit money into their PIN accounts online through PayPams, or checks may be given to a cafeteria staff member for deposit into their account.  Students should keep their PIN confidential.
  • All inquiries regarding lunch accounts, reduced or free lunches, or other food service options should be directed to cafeteria staff at (651) 982-8340.
  • when asked by a staff member to see it;
  • when checking out Media Center materials;
  • when applying for a parking permit;
  • when seeking admittance to school events;
  • when leaving the building or grounds during the school day.